Thursday, October 24, 2013

More Plants Brought in for the Winter

I told you yesterday that I would have pictures of two plants which had grown like crazy during the summer. Well, here they are.

This San Pedro cactus loved it outside this summer.  It is enormous.  I've never seen a plant grow like this cactus did over the summer.  They are prolific growers.  I do not want to interfere with it's growth.  I want it to be as free-formed as it wants to be, so we will re-pot this into a larger container.  These cacti are native to Ecuador and Peru.

Looking down from above you get a better perspective of the size of this cactus.  The pot is way too small. It is top heavy.  This was quite a challenge to get inside.  It was very hard to handle and the spikes on the cactus were brutal.  I will need help getting this out of the existing pot and into a larger one.  Has anybody seen Steven?

And finally, the Snake Plant.  A year ago I was not certain that this was going to make it.  There were quite a few dead and dying leaves.  I found a spot on the deck I thought it would like and that is where it has been since spring.  It clearly enjoyed being outside for the spring and summer months.  These are particularly hardy and that is one reason they are popular as houseplants.  They are, however, very poisonous to dogs. So if you have a dog you think will be interested in sampling a leaf as a snack, you may want to find another indoor plant.  Baxter is not interested in eating Snake Plants.  There is too much good stuff in the kitchen to waste his time foraging for snake plant leaves.

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