Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Taking Care of Body (And Soul)

These days, we are all taking better care of ourselves.  Better care of our bodies by walking or running or weight training.  Better care of mental health through yoga or faith.  And better care of our skin and hair through an array of great products.  Hey, we all want to look our best.  Even the guys are taking better care of body and soul these days.

In my fathers generation, it was seen as weak and/or effeminate if a man showed interest in caring for his appearance.  And I was taught as a young boy growing up in the south that concerning myself with such things was unacceptable.  But times change.  Young men, indeed men of all ages today have much more freedom to indulge themselves.  Nobody thinks a wit about their husband or boyfriend taking a trip to the spa for a massage and a facial.  In fact, most of the spas I have visited have services, such as facials, specially tailored for men.

In between those times where I visit the spa for a facial, I do it at home.  It is very refreshing.  Especially on a Friday night, after you have had a busy week.  Come home, have a glass of ice cold wine, do a mask and just chill.  That's life, baby!!!  So here is what I am using these days.

I first clean my face with these Wet Cleansing Towelettes from Pond's.  These are not makeup removers. These are just a quick way to cleanse your skin.  Sometimes I put my face over a sink full of hot water with a towel draped over the back of my head to open the pores.  Although I must admit I do not always do this.

My choice of clay mask - Borghese Fango Mud.  There are a bazillion different products like this on the market.  Some more expensive, some less expensive.  This, in my humble opinion, is the best.

It goes on dark and as it dries it turns a lighter shade of green.  I was near the end of the experience in this picture.  And, the picture is grainy because the lights were very, very low in the room.  As it should be. Friday is two days away.  Start planning your relaxation time now.  Get the wine chilled.  If the mask gets too tight, drink it through a straw.

In these days of tight job markets and fierce competition for those few jobs, taking a few extra steps to look your very best is not only nice, it is imperative.  Enjoy!!!

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