Friday, March 21, 2014

Shlagel Farms and Fresh Eggs

On a recent night on Netflix, I watched a documentary entitled "Food, Inc." produced in 2008.

It was very disturbing to see how our food makes its way to our tables.  One of the most disturbing parts of this documentary were the factory farms where our eggs are produced.  Eggs are a staple in the American kitchen.  They are used in everything - breakfast food, making pasta, as appetizers at parties, in baking, etc. The conditions in which the hens are kept in these factory farms and made to produce eggs en masse is deplorable.  How any human or group of humans can reach such a level of depravity in their treatment of another creature on this earth is unfathomable to me. I knew I had to so something.  So, I simply stopped buying their product.

I am fortunate in that I have access to Eileen Shlagel and her Shlagel Farms in Waldorf, MD.  Eileen is a delightful woman, which makes for a pleasant experience too!

Last week Eileen sent out an email to her regular customers informing us that she would be at the Community Center beginning at 10:00 AM on Saturday morning with fresh eggs and asking for our orders.  I immediately responded that I would take one dozen brown eggs.  When I arrived at 10:05 AM, there she was with a truckload of eggs for her good customers.  I opted for the jumbo over the extra large.  I know this picture does not do them justice, but these eggs are enormous.  And fresh.

You can tell that her hens are well fed and taken care of by the size of the eggs and the distinct color.  More of an orangey color than store bought, factory produced eggs.  That is because her hens are fed a healthy diet, free of antibiotics and left to roam, as is their nature.  Here is one in the microwaveable egg poacher ready to be cooked for my breakfast.  Quite delicious.

If you are in the area and would like to find out more about Shlagel Farms, click on this link,  

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